Friday, March 21, 2014

Tell The World You're Happy. #A2Z Theme Reveal

So I'm doing the March challenge and I haven't slipped. I've written. Honestly. So the motivation level for the challenge is pretty great. I keep telling everyone 'I'm not made for blogging challenges' and then I had this weird epiphany that may be I just am. I don't really want to jinx it. I don't want to keep saying blogging, make this a big deal and then not post, but I don't want to start of with 'may be I won't do it'.

I did this blogher challenge, the theme was 'self' and I said that if I didn't complete the challenge I would consider not writing, especially because the theme was 'self'. I'm quite happy that so far, I've stuck around. Feel free to read stuff around here. I wrote a lot of revelation type thing, some of it was pretty hurtful and took me back to some not so nice places. But it was great. It needed to be done. I needed to be able to put myself out there. Really did. So April being the happy month (hey! it's fools month) I decided to made my A TO Z challenge about everything that makes me happy.


So all of April I am going to be talking about things that make Maggie Lawate happy, of course some of it you may connect with, some of it you may not. But then, since happiness is contagious, you'll find something to connect with. So I hope. 

I hope you're happy.

Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
My level's too high
Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
I said (let me tell you now)
Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
My level's too high
Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
I said

I wrote this for the A2Z Blogging Challenge, 26 posts for the month of April.  


  1. Hey Unique theme...
    Cant wait to feel Happy after reading ur posts :)

  2. Like the positive and uplifting theme you've chosen. I'm in love with Happiness too. Nice one.

  3. Ya happiness is contagious!! Hope to hv a good time here!

  4. Happiness? Now that's a fab theme. Good luck, Maggie.

  5. Great theme, Maggie! Good luck!

  6. Happiness is a project, right ? Something that we need to keep at. Looking forward to reading all the happy tales. Good luck, Maggie :)

  7. Things that make you happy --- I love it! Looking forward to reading your posts and feeling happy. By the way, have you taken on the 100 happy days challenge? It's a photo challenge and I started it in the beginning of March via instagram. Makes you stop and notice things in your life to feel grateful...

  8. I absolutely need to be catching some happiness. Great theme. Good luck with the challenge, I look forward to reading your posts.

  9. Such a nice and happy theme! I am going to be around this blog all this month for my own dose!


  10. So happy to see a theme on Happiness :) You will rock it, I am sure :)

  11. happiness ... well that's addictive and I am ready for my dose :)

  12. Happiness is best therapy..looking forward to some happy posts.

  13. That's a beautiful theme :) spreading happiness :)

  14. Such a happpyyyy happppy theme <3 Your theme itself made me happy!

  15. i already feel happy looking forward.all the best


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