Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Madness that is the Weekend

I know, I don't even need to write a post for this. I had things like 'meaningful conversations' or 'midnight writing' for my 'M' post, but I realised that I love nothing more than I love a lazy weekend. My favourite day of the week is Friday, and like everyone else the day I hate the most is Monday, worse is Monday morning. It has nothing to do with work, just to do with waking up.

I love lazy weekends, where you can sit and chill and not have the Monday blues. I could sit and home and read all day long. I like it even better when other people have to go outside for something and I get to spend my entire day at home!

When I have a holiday, I make sure there are somethings I need to do in order for it to feel like a holiday,

  1. I have to sleep in. I sleep in on a weekend. I cut myself off from the world, internet switched off, phone on silent and I'm asleep.Weekends are to detox. 
  2. I go home, like I said I live away from home, but on a 3 day weekend I try to go home, it's almost the best thing to do and since I live close by, it isn't really that big a deal.
  3. I have to read. Friday nights are when I finish everything that's pending.Saturday and Sunday are for 'me time'. I will get into my blanket, book and music mode and curl up and read, all day long. 
  4. I love catching up with my friends, I go out for a nice lunch or I head out to the nearest bookstore and spend my entire day there. 
  5. I give everyone I miss a phone call. During the week, I almost never talk to people on the phone, because I really don't feel like it, Saturdays are for me to sit down and dial everyone I want to talk to. Aunts, Sisters, Friends, Cousins, brothers, Uncles. It's the kind of conversations that need time, I somehow made it my thing to call everyone over the weekend. 
  6. Watch a movie or a TV Show. Almost every weekend I pick up a TV show that I want to watch and start watching it, this weekend I watched all of Suits a 2 season marathon.
  7. I read a blog or two. I don;t commit to writing over the weekend, but I definitely make it a point to go around reading a few blogs.


  1. Beginning to think you're more of an introvert from a couple of posts earlier! Tell me I am right? Reason I say so is this is what I used to be a long time ago! ;)

  2. I'm a lazy person and the most madness on weekend for me is watching back to back movies without going out :)

    M for Motherly-Random Thoughts Naba

  3. Seems like you have a great routine. I love that you unplug on the weekends. I try, but am rarely successful. I did better before my hubby bought me a mobile device. Darn husband. ;)

    True Heroes A to Z

  4. Lovely weekends!! My weekends are crazy.. so crazy that mondays become a treasure hunt day

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  5. I love weekends and wouldn't mind two each week :D

  6. I love weekends, and am lucky to have a three-day weekend every week!


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