Thursday, September 15, 2016

Help will come, just hang in there.

I am a full time writer, I have been one for 4 years or more and through it all I've had bouts of writer's block but never really when it came to my job. (Touch wood). Off late, I've been meaning to write and somehow seem to be lazy or so out of touch with blogging that I didn't know where I could start and I turned to the amazing 'Blogchatter' folks, Chandni and Richa who are an unending fountain of support.
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Here I am, back after a month and writing to talk about the million things that are going on in my mind. Richa said I should try writing about the things that make me happy, interestingly, there have been a lot of things that are making me happy. This week has been tumultuous for us Bangaloreans and I cannot stress enough on the kindness of strangers, I've reached out to people and they never seem to disappoint. If you're following the news, Bangalore just went through unrest over the Cauvery dispute. I was in office when a friend called me and said I should leave, 3 others offered me a place to sleep and promised me dinner, a bunch of people called, messaged, and checked up on me to make sure I was safe. A colleague took me home, asked me if I needed a change of clothes and dropped me off to my stop just to make sure that I would get home safely.
I drove past deserted streets and it felt unreal, Bangalore was different today. You could sense deep hurt and agony making the whole experience very very intense. As I reached home, I asked the security guard how the situation was, he told me it is calm but he's worried. He told me 'Didi, ab do din bahar mat jao'. He has been on duty since the afternoon busy telling people not to go out, I found this immensely touching. I saw people on Facebook groups offering help to those who need to be picked up, dropped, people who need fuel or even food - without charging a penny! Talk about humanity.

I can understand my mother calling me or my husband being worried and offering to pick me up. What I find absolutely amazing is the strangers who go out of their way to help others.

I've come to realise, whether its a personal crisis or a state wide one, there is always those who will come to help you, people who will be your guardian angels. Those who will rescue you, some times physically, some times emotionally.

1 comment:

  1. That is so true Maggie! I think when you cry out for help, the universe conspires to send you a guardian angel to help you tide over difficult times! Stay blessed :)


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