Monday, March 24, 2014

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

What I'd like to change about myself? Oh god knows there are things I need to change, of the lots of things that I need to change one of them is that I need to start living in the moment. I've spoke about this for sometime now, and I'm making an effort to live in the moment, I take each day without putting too much emphasis on how the next few days or months will pan out. I have learned to make a little bit of burying the hatchet with the past.

I want to start doing more in the moment. I want to start doing something. There is never going to be the right time. I'm never going to be free enough. I'm never going to less busy. I'm never going to absolutely free. I need to get into the habit of getting stuff done. I gave myself all of March exclusively to get to know myself better. What did I like, what I hate What I wanted and I got somethings done as well.

Firstly, I got down to reading 3 books. I have been putting these off for so long, I kept up late nights if I had to before I finished reading these books.

I decided I needed to write more. I took on the blogging challenge, signed up for a new one as well.

I decided to go out more often. I decided to leave my reservations about a lot of things behind. Meet more friends. Talk to few more people. 

I'm not going to change drastically, but I want to get there. I want to be painfully aware about each moment. 

I would very simply like to change that one thing,. I want to live in the moment. I'm sure everything else will fix itself after that.


  1. Change is never easy! But status quo can kill you as well! So one has to go through the difficulty of changing and adjusting! All the best! Looking forward to next month!


Love it or hate it, please go ahead and say it!