Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dear Diary: This post needs to be made public

I'm a bad blogger. I shy away from so much as sharing my own articles. I don't think I write well and no amount of telling me that I'm semi decent helps. Richa refuses to believe it. (The semi decent bit)

When I first spoke to her she was in the middle of a UBC  and her consistency in writing shocked me. (No, not surprised, shocked)  That's how Richa happened. And when I say "Happened" I mean it. I met her though a mutual friend even before which I was following her on twitter or she was following me or something on those lines. "The best friendships are those of whose beginnings you cannot remember"  

So yes, some tweeting later, some random ranting and a group happened. I met Richa on the phone as well! We talked almost obsessively. This group was the reason many of us thought were going to get fired from our jobs. (Yes, If I got fired, it would totally be the groups fault and nothing to do with my inefficiency). So she happened on twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook and then last week she happened in person!

I know, I come out sounding like a fan-girl (I am). But my first post in January is thanks to Write Tribe and Richa! She got me hooked on to the group; I kept reading posts from the group, but wasn't really a visible member (A thing that must now be corrected). She takes personal responsibility of making me a consistent blogger.

Back to the story; One happy occasion last week and I landed in Lucknow for my best friends wedding.  When I made plans about going for the wedding in August(?), I definitely had no idea I'd be meeting Richa. but in my brief stay in Lucknow, I met her; twice. It was a very weird moment. I say weird because honestly I was expecting to go completely berserk, but  surprisingly as I sat there with her, it felt so normal. It felt, (at least for me) like I did this with her every other weekend. I sat there discussing books and blogs and pretty much everything under the sun without the slightest thought that 2 days from then, and for god knows how long I wouldn't meet her again. It's amazing that there was no awkward silence, no "how do we take this conversation forward".

Yes, I know this sounds like a very dear diary type post; because it is. I wrote it without any intention of publishing it, like a 100 other posts. But I decided to draw up the courage and post this one. 

I'll tell you what's amazing about this encounter, it restores my faith in the fact that somehow, somewhere being as connected as we are, we'll come face to face. Meet. It fills me with a surprising amount of calm. It tells me that if I try hard enough and commit to investing in friends and friendships, I will definitely not be disappointed. 

I don't always write testimonials, but when I do, I  write about people who touch my life to make it better
Photo evidence :P


  1. Yes that's our Richa Girl! <3 .... The ever energetic person. And the group... that's one group to which I literally open my eyes in the morning where so much of activities go around. :)

    1. Richa was so much fun to talk to!! :) I love Write Tribe too!

  2. And people like Richa make perfect friends!! Happy for you, Maggie that your paths crossed with a fab person like Richa! :)

  3. Richa my dear take a bow! and Maggie you are so true...people like her make wonderful friends. And what do I say about WT. Its beyond words. (I am sitting in office while I post this comment)

    1. hehehehe Sugandha! I read blogs in office! The commenting will soon commence! :)

  4. Okay I'll say it once more.. You're better than a semi-decent writer. Plus you write from the heart and those are the two crucial ingredients for a perfect blogger. Touchwood to your friendship. Looking forward to more of your posts Maggie.

    1. Hey! Thanks. I look forward to writing too! :)

  5. *drum rolls* awesomeness flows again! And it warms my heart soo much to read that this is your first post this side of the year and it is somewhere related to me <3 I lurvee you. And everything you said I resonate it completely!! It was like we do this almost every other weekend. Sit and chat about books, friends people and what not. I still remember you saying this: "Every time an author says, 'I have written it for the average reader' I know I will not understand this book. James Joyce said that about Ulysses!" I still laugh remembering your expressions :P


    1. I am so pleased you had such a wonderful experience!! Congratulations on your first post. Now you can write more! If you write it, readers will come. Write Tribe is the best group of people I have ever had the pleasure of being apart of. ♥

    2. hahaha! Yes. Ah! I could go on and on. I think we'd have spoken well into the night if we didn't have other things to attend to. :)

    3. Hey Kathy! Thanks for your comment. :) Yes. I look forward to writing. :)

  6. I love what you said about Richa; that she happened. That's true, she's one phenomenon that happens to you and leaves you feeling enriched.


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